Remote Directed Prayers
Many of us have been wishing for a way to receive directed prayers and special blessings outside of the workshops and TeleSeminars.
The "Silent Faith Remote Directed Prayers" are the gracious and generous gift of the Master Angels™ and answer to that wish. Now it is possible to receive attention immediately on a specific problem or challenge 24/7.
The Silent Faith Remote Directed Prayers are faith-based and done on the level of silence. Once requested, the work is done by God and the Masters Angels™ on the subtle silent levels. There is no written or verbal interaction during or after these remote directed prayers.
The Silent Faith Remote Directed Prayers can be ordered through this website and can be used for remediation and mitigation of a health challenge or a specific situation that is in need of Divine attention or support.
For Example:
health issues and challenges
special attention needed for a family member, relative or friend
the start of a new project that requires a blessing
the birth of a child
a marriage
an important business deal that could use a cosmic boost
or any aspect of your life or that of your loved ones where special attention from the realm of the Divine and the Master Angels™ is desired or required to mitigate or bless those involved.
Once you request the Silent Faith Remote Directed Prayer, the Master Angels™ will do whatever they are allowed to do for the situation you have asked about.
Though there will not be any verbal or written feedback about your Silent Faith Remote Directed Prayers, we would love to hear your positive feedback about how your life was touched by the Silent Remote Directed Prayer you received. If you are blessed with a result you would like to share, please send us an email and put "Silent Faith Remote Directed Prayer feedback" in the subject line.
The opportunity for these remote directed prayers is a great gift. And naturally, Faith plays a big role in the entire process. It is the Faith component that propels and applies the Karmic Mitigation®, which then paves the way for the level of quality and effectiveness of the blessing.
When it comes to the process of blessings from God, the Master Angels™, and Divine intervention, the outcome is always unpredictable and is deeply intertwined with the depth of one's Karma, the severity of the problem, and the deservingness of the recipient. Since these factors are completely variable with every situation and every individual, there can be no guarantees of any specific outcome from Faith-based Silent Remote Directed Prayers.
The only guarantee that can be offered is that the Master Angels™ will bestow, as always, blessings that far exceed what normally would be allowed without Divine Intervention. These blessings are unfathomable and cannot be quantified. Mercy and Forgiveness are two of the compassionate and loving elements that are fully at work with blessings derived from the grace of the Master Angels™.
Please put the full name of the recipient of the Silent Faith Remote Directed Prayer in the "Full Name" field and your request in the "Request" field before completing your order.
There is a limit of 300 characters for your request.
I understand that this is a faith-based blessing performed by God and the Master Angels™ and that the blessing is not performed by any individual or CMA International Foundation. I understand and agree that I will not receive a private session or receive any verbal or written feedback, and that there will be no donation refunds for the Silent Faith Remote Directed Prayer. I also understand that some issues may require more than one Silent Faith Remote Directed Prayer to resolve.